Middle School is an intense transitional period for students as they progress from elementary school and then move through to high school. The intent of the courtyard design was to create a safe and nurturing learning environment inspired by the idea of a nest. The courtyard is surrounded by the more active and public uses including the cafetorium, media center and gymnasium. The courtyard is fully enclosed by the building, yet is large enough to accommodate up to 4 classes separated by seat walls and landscape berms planted with native trees, grasses and shrubs. These outdoor learning areas are dedicated to maker space and independent study.
A reality of today's environment is an increased emphasis on safety and security for students of all ages. In keeping with the natural surroundings and environmental stewardship, Traverse conceptualized a large rain garden to not only treat and infiltrate roof and pavement runoff, but also act as a natural barrier providing students, staff and visitors a naturalized landscape to view as they enter the building each day. Added amenities include boulder walls, lighting, an architectural canopy and a walkway that allows for a hydrologic connection for drainage.